EA6ADW/P (EA6/DF5JJ) in JM19NW, 370m ASL
Operating periode 1996-1999.
10368 MHz:
SSB/CW 100cm-offset-dish, f/D 0.80, 38dBi, 15dBi-Horn-Feed (long version)
TX MGF2340 1.2W out
RX NE32584 nf=0.80dB
local oscillator OCXO (70°C)
frequency-accuracy/stability is better 500Hz on 10368MHz!
azimuth-accuracy is better 0.5° with 50cm-scaled-disc (3mm/degree resolution)
24192 MHz:
SSB/CW, same 100cm-offset-dish
15dBi-Horn-Feed (long version for low phase error loss)
transverter full WG-version
TX: 2xMGF1303 parallel, 90mW output
RX: 2xNE32584 nf=1.70dB + 0.10dB by WG-switch
Measurements on 24192MHz in 9/1998 (100cm-dish):
sun 8.5dB S+N/N (SolarFlux 135), earth=4.0dB with horn, 3.75dB in dish
gain=46.3dBi, G/T=23.5dB, Ta=35K, Tcs=5K
The transverter heads can be changed in 10 sec. without shift in az./el. (error <0.2°)
ODX 10368MHz:
27.th june 1999 9H1ES/P, JM75FV, RST 55/59, 1090km
wkd 29 grids total
ODX 24192MHz:
10.th may 1998 EA5/F6GBQ/P, IM98XR, RST 419/419, 226km , (at 18°C, 85% humidity!)
wkd 7 grids total
On 10368MHz made maritim-mobil-QSO with F6BVA/MM in JN22VT, RST 55/57 over 386km as MM-worldrecord at 08.th july 1997. Later two further MM-QSOs were done.

87cm-primefocus-dish (f/d=0.43) used 1996/97
100cm-offset-dish (f/d=0.80) used 1997-1999.