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NGC 2264 - Cone Nebula (wide field)

w1800 20170101 NGC2264 FC

The Cone Nebula is an H II region in the constellation of Monoceros. The nebula is located about 830 parsecs or 2,700 light-years away from Earth. The Cone Nebula forms part of the nebulosity surrounding the Christmas Tree Cluster.

The cone's shape comes from a dark absorption nebula consisting of cold molecular hydrogen and dust in front of a faint emission nebula containing hydrogen ionized by S Monocerotis, the brightest star of NGC 2264. The faint nebula is approximately seven light-years long (with an apparent length of 10 arcminutes), and is 2,700 light-years away from Earth.

ObjectNGC 2264 - Cone Nebula (wide field)
Constellation: Monoceros
Position: RA 6h 41m DEC +9° 53′
Apparent Size: 20 arcmin (photo 4.8°x7.2°)
Apparent Magnitude: +3.9
Distance (average) 2600 ly
Photo Datas 
Date 01.01.2017, 21:30 UTC
Location Knottenried/Oberallgäu, 1002m ASL
GPS: 47°36’13“ N, 10°11’24“ E
Sky darkness SQM-L Zenit 21.12mag/sqrsec, Object 20.90 mag/sqrsec
Ground Temp./Air Pressure -5.0°C / 1028mbar
Thermal sky temp./weather  > -60°C Zenit, clear
Seeing (Bortle)  6/10
Telescope Canon EF 300mm f/2.8 L IS USM I
Camera Sony A7Ra mod @ T sensor=-1.0°C
Expose frames ISO 3200, RAW 11x60s, 5 darks, 5 flats
Total expose
11 min.
Filter CLS-CCD
Mount HPS 10Micron GM 3000
Guiding Cam no
Software DSS 3.3.4, Photoshop CC

C 2017 Peter Cerveny